RAMPA skriver i YOU-FOREVER ("det evige selv" på dansk) om overselvet (sjelens natur)
Hjernen er en slags radiomottaker for de budskap, OVER-SELVET utsender og mottar
Disse budskaper befordres ved hjelp av "Sølvtråden"= forbinder menneskelegemet med dets OVER-SELV.
Det jordiske legeme som en fjemstyrt bil= den som styrer er OVER-SELVET
Alt som oppleves, tenkes, gjør, erfarer, sendes videre opp og lagres i OVER-SELVET's hukommelse.
»Sølvtråden« forbinder os med vårt OVER-SELV på nesten samme måte som navlestrengen forbinder en nyfødt med moren.
OVER-SELVET sender en del av seg selv inn i menneskelegemet for at mennesket kan lære og erfare
Alle gode gjerninger øker våre jordiske og astrale frekvensers nivå
auraen er OVER-SELVETs (sjelens) indikator i superhøye frekvens-farver
Høyt intelligente mennesker, som »inspireres«, opplever ofte å motta et budskap direkte - bevisst - fra OVER-SELVET via »Sølvtråden«.
Eksempel; Leonardo da Vinci
OVER-SELVETs viden kender ingen grænser, i motsetning til det fysiske legeme!
I YOU-FOREVER ("det evige selv" på dansk) skriver Rampa at et typisk kosmisk "skoleår" er på 72000år -med "x" antall inkarnasjoner.
På astral-planet er det enkelt å reise i TIDEN!
"There are twelve signs of the Zodiac, and a Leader comes first in one sign, then another, then another, until in all there have been twelve Leaders. On this particular cycle of Kali - we are now approaching the eleventh, and after - there will be one more before this actual Age ends and we are really into the Golden Age."
"We are now entering the Aquarian Age, an Age wherein much will happen to Man and Man's spirituallty will increase - it is about time that it did, by the way. Man's psychic ability also will increase. Many people now living on the Earth will not be reborn to the Earth but will go on to different stages of evolution
Chapters of Life
- (1967) Lobsang talks about dimensions, parallel worlds and
prophecies. Providing the reader with a deeper understanding into how
prophesies are calculated, something that most people do not fully
understand. Lobsang also answers questions about religion and
Christianity. Religion serves a very real purpose that many disregard
today as we can clearly see societies and communities crumbling away.
Sadly, many will interpret religion to their way of thinking only.
"Then we have the matter of Joan of Arc; Joan believed that she was a great leader, that she had messages from higher sources. Joan of Arc, a very simple, uneducated country girl, turned into a warrior and a leader of warriors because the Silver Cords between two puppets became tangled and Joan received impulses designed for a man in a different body. For a time she acted as that man, as that leader of men, as that great warrior, and then when the lines were untangled her powers failed and she was once again the simple country girl who had to pay a penalty for temporary, and mistaken, fame; she was burned to death.
In the case of the victim of The Three Faces of Eve (+youtube link) a multiple breakthrough, or breakdown, occurred and the poor woman was placed in unwilling contact with other puppets controlled by the same Overself. These other puppets were in a similar condition, they also suffered this breakthrough and as a result there was complete chaos. It is the same when you get two or three puppets and you are careless or inexperienced or let your attention wander, the cords become entangled, you pull a string which should control Puppet A, but because of the tangle you might cause Puppet B to kick and Puppet C to nod its head. In the same way, when you get a breakthrough between the conscious and the subconscious, an uncontrolled breakthrough, that is, then you get interference from and with others who are being controlled by the same Overself.
Bridie Murphy? Yes, that also is true, that was a breakthrough into the subconscious and again a tangling of cords and a transference of impressions.
Joan of Arc, as we have seen, was a simple country girl without education of any kind. She spent long periods alone in contemplation, and in one such period she quite accidentally broke through to the subconscious. Probably she did a special breathing exercise without even knowing it, because all this can be done deliberately and under full control. Anyway, she broke through to the subconscious, crossed strings with another puppet, and really got into a mess. She had all the impulses of a warrior, and she became a warrior, she wore armour and rode a horse. But what happened to the poor fellow who was intended to become a leader, did he develop womanly traits? Well, if we speculate on that we can lead ourselves to all sorts of unfortunate conclusions. But—Joan of Arc became a leader of men, a warrior hearing voices from the sky. OF COURSE SHE DID! She was picking up impressions from the Silver Cord which, after all, is only our puppet string. Think of that, our puppet string. We have a Silver Cord that is also mentioned in the Bible where, as you may remember, in the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes it is said, ‘Or ever the sliver cord be loosed or the golden bowl be broken or the pitcher be broken at the fountain or the wheel broken at the cistern.’
People write about time and relativity, parallel worlds and all that, they use such big words that even they do not understand what they mean. But possibly you have got the general idea from this chapter. Remember, all this is true, all this is absolute fact and one day in the not too distant future science will break down a few barriers and a few prejudices, and will realise the truth of—parallel worlds.