" We don't use drugs," she said. "They impair and dull the senses, and we believe that we can't experience the full exhilaration of life in that state." He says: "Now that we have been introduced, I want to learn everything I can about you. Where you were born, what your childhood was like, what your interests are, what your home life was like, what your occupation is. I want to know about your friends, your parents, your hopes, and your dreams for the future," I said.
The extraterrestrial voman's past and social life on home planet She told me that she was born on one of the Verdants' colonized planets in the Milky Way Galaxy approximately 800 Earth years ago. The planet's name cannot be translated into English simply because there is no counterpart word in our language for it. If I had to take a stab at spelling it according to the sound I heard when she pronounced it, it would be something like Hoksperlmizache. That is only an approximation, however, because some of the sounds in their speech can't be duplicated by human vocal cords, and, thus, there is no way to spell them. That is, how does one spell the sound that a human makes when he is gagging, giggling, and hiccuping at the same time? It can't be done. Surprisingly, there are great similarities between the Verdant culture/social structure and Earth's. All Verdant children attend what (on Earth) would be equivalent to public school, although for a much longer period of time because they do not reach adulthood until they are approximately 60 Earth years of age. Remember that the Verdant year is about three Earth years long, or approximately 1,000 Earth days. Even on the colonized planets, time is measured in standard Verdant terms despite the fact that the length of the days and years on the manifold worlds vary widely. Some have years that are equal to four or five Earth years, while others are as short as several Earth months. The length of the days are as equally varied. After reaching adulthood, education continues for every person at what would be considered the university level on Earth. Typically, this would amount to about another 20 Earth years. But because the Verdants do not sleep as we know it, but simply engage in rest and relaxation periods, life is bustling every hour of the day and night. A typical human with a university education might have spent 6 hours a day, 180 days a year for 16 years in class, or about 17,000 hours total. A Verdant attending school 15 hours a day, 300 days a year for somewhere between 50 and 60 years would spend perhaps 250,000 hours in class. Consequently, a Verdant university education would equal perhaps 15 university educations on Earth. "That sounds so oppressive," I said. "On the contrary, our love of learning is so great that every moment is exhilarating. We can't get enough of it," Gina said. "But eventually, our course of formal study comes to an end, and then we have to go out into the world - to put it in terms familiar to you - to take our place in society. Of course, study and learning are lifelong pursuits for us and the universe then becomes our educational laboratory after our formal classroom instruction is complete." "But don't you take time to play as children?" I asked. "We do, just like normal children everywhere," Gina explained "Believe it or not, childish play is a universal characteristic. There are few sentient animals that we are aware of that don't engage in play. Did you ever observe a litter of your Earth puppies, or tiny lion cubs in a jungle nest? Or how about a family of baby monkeys? Play is necessary ingredient of learning, of growing up." Gina was raised in a large city in a family unit that consisted of her and her two parents. There are, of course, no brothers and sisters because of the inability of females to produce more than one offspring in their lifetimes. They also have no institution equivalent to the human state of marriage. Typically, most Verdants have multiple partners during their extensive lifetimes, with pairings lasting anywhere from 10 to 500 years. Once a child is conceived in an union, however, no matter how long the parents have been together, a family unit has been formed and will not be dissolved before the child leaves the home. That would be minimum of 50 to 60 years, when the child has reached the age of early adulthood and has completed its course of formal education. Often, depending upon the circumstances, the child might stay in the family home for up to 100 years. Eventually, though, the adult children themselves pair up with chosen partners and leave the parents' home. "But no marriage?" I asked. "No, just a spiritual bonding," she replied. (this is again what the danish visionary Martinus (1890-1981) has written about the natural changes in humans way to live or stay together in the future, as the possession-instinct decreases gradually. R.Ø.remark) "And then you begin your own families?" I asked. "Rarely do first pairings result in a child," she answered. "We simply pair up and share our lives for a period of time. At some point, by mutual agreement, we each choose another partner and proceed to a new level in our lives. It is all a very rewarding (givende) and satisfactory arrangement. It keeps life interesting." "Do you fall out of love, then, when you decide to move on to a new mate?" I inquired. "It's impossible to fall out of love because we don't fall in love," she said. This was disturbing to me for some reason. I tried to analyze it, to try to put my finger on the feeling of uneasiness I experienced upon hearing this statement. And then it hit me. The arrangement she was describing struck me as the simple mating of two barnyard animals, a carnal union driven by instinct and devoid of the human qualities of caring, compassion, and tenderness - in other words, the ingredients of love. I expected so much more from these creatures of such advancement - a more noble quality of spirit. "You pair up just for sex, without love?" I asked, barely hiding my disappointment. "Oh, I see what you are saying," she said. "My goodness, no. Of course not. Do you remember the first time you fell in love, as you humans term it?" I said I did. I don't think anybody ever really forgets that singular event in his or her life. She asked me to describe my feelings at the time. It was a tough question. I made several faltering attempts to answer. Finally, I told her that I didn't think the feelings could be translated into words. She pressed me to try. I put aside all of the thoughts about the first kiss, the fluttering heart when taking the beloved's hand for the first time. I looked at the bigger picture. "Happy," I said. "No, more than that. Deliriously happy. Enraptured. Walking on air." "What did she look like?" Gina asked. She was wonderful, I told Gina. But for the life of me - I really couldn't visualize the girl's face. Nor, for that matter, could I even remember if she was pretty or plain, intelligent or dull, overweight, underweight, or average weight. "You don't remember because it's not the person who stirs the cherished memories; it's the event itself," Gina said. "The love is the experience; the girl could have been any one of a million others. You would still carry the fond memories no matter who the girl was." The human brain, she said, stores billions of bits of information that define a lifetime of experience. But only the momentous events, the ones that stand apart from the mundane, everyday occurrences, are easily recalled. Gina said that may be because these milestone markers are the ones that most critically influence the development of the person, the way the person views life. Whether they strike chords of joy or sorrow, fear or confidence, anticipation or dread, celebration or mourning, they stand the test of time by remaining keenly vivid. I think that Gina was giving me a lesson in life, and I must admit that she may have had something there. I thought about some of the key incidents in my life that so easily spring to mind with no effort, even decades later. That would include my induction into the Army as a 19 - year - old draftee (apprehension), my graduation from college (gratitude), my first job (excitement), the birth of my daughter (bliss), and the day she left home for college (pride combined with a broken heart). I admitted to Gina that she was indeed right. I was long on the memories of the emotions and stirrings I felt for my first love, but short on the details of the girl herself. "Just imagine that you felt the same way about every person on Earth," Gina said. "We do not fall in love - because we love all of our people uncompromisingly, every individual one, all the trillions of strangers. We adore one another, but on what you would consider a platonic level, without the sexual element. Only when the male and female pair up does the additional element of sex enter the relationship." "Then why do your couples break up?" I asked. "I'm confused." "I'm not sure you will ever understand," she said. "But it's because love and sex are not intertwined for us as they are in human romantic relationships. Our love for one another never wanes, even as we move on to other partners. But we simply move on sexually when the physical union begins to lose its intensity, much as you might move on to a different job when your current one does not provide you with the same satisfaction and rewards that it originally did. I cannot explain it in any simpler terms." (As Martinus learns on the sexual development in human. R.Ø.rem.) Well, I still wasn't sure that I understood, but I let the subject lie. Obviously, we were having a culture clash of sorts. Anyway, Gina left her parents' home at about 90 years of age, again in Earth terms, and held a variety of jobs in both government and private industry over the next several hundred years. In that time, she had paired up with about eight to ten different males, with the relationships lasting for as little as 10 years to as much as 75 years. Once, when she was about 400 years old, she joined the crew of an ore ship that mined asteroids for precious metals that were used primarily to construct the great ships of the Verdant empire. She retired from that job after about 35 years and settled on the home planet of Verdant to continue her studies, concentrating on foreign languages. After becoming proficient in every known language and dialect in the universe, well over 30,000, she signed on as a linguist on a star cruiser assigned to explore a quadrant of the Andromeda Galaxy. During her tour of duty, the ship discovered two planets inhabited by intelligent beings. Both races are still in the preliminary stages of development, however, although they do have organized civilizations and are still thousands of years away from evolving to the level of potential star travelers. After that, Gina was assigned to the Goodwill about 60 years ago as part of the team observing Earth. "And that's the story of my life in a nutshell," she said. End of extract from this book - the contact person Phil Krapf - have now written another book - here link on report from it in swedish More of contact-stuff to other civilizations mainpage | a chapter from his book #2 if you want the book - try amazon.com *** here a update from KRAPF - after the happenings of the 11.sept- 2001: THE FUTURE OF THE VERDANT/HUMAN CONTACT "As most of you know, the events of 9/11 led the Verdants to pull back from the very brink of going public. Phil Krapf was asked on August 23, 2001 to publicize the news that the official human announcement of the Verdant presence was imminent. A series of announcements were to be carried out by the ambassadors [the 800+ other human contactees aside from Phil Krapf]; these public disclosures were planned to occur in 2002. This historic effort was aborted on the evening of 9/11. In an exclusive interview for this newsletter, Phil Krapf made the following statement for supporters of the contact project: "The Verdants are still here, I believe, in spite of the events of 9/11 and the "war against terrorism". Remember, they warned that such calamities were being orchestrated behind the scenes, and it is little wonder that such things are now in the headlines. But I still maintain the hope that, in spite of the current setback [for details, see third item below] and its attendant disappointments for us all, the contact project will proceed according to some new timetable. I have not had contact with the Verdants since the evening of 9/11, but I remain confident that the work is proceeding on some level. Perhaps humanity will put its best foot forward, and the public phase of the contact will be reignited. What is called for now is patience." For a review, check out the documents at this link: THE CHALLENGE OF CONTACT this last from http://www.thechallengeofcontact.com/boylan2.htm ***** more on the case: a chapter from his book #2 - on his later meeting with "Gina" visiting his house 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 12, 2000 - taken from "The Challenge of Contact - Chapter 2 "Surprise Visitor".