Translation of Denaerde interview part 1 on the IARGA -UFO-CONTACT (I = Interviewer, D = Denaerde, R = Rudolf Das - the illustrator) Scene: the interviewer and Denaerde stand on a shore. I: Ladies and gentlemen, next to me stands Stefan Denaerde. He has written a book 'Extraterrestrial civilization'. Before we start talking about this, I would like to introduce Stefan Denaerde to you. This is not your real name is it? D: Indeed I: What is your age? D: I am 46 years old I: You are married? D: I am married, I have 4 children. Dutchman, I have always lived here. I: What do you do for a living? D: I am member of the directors board in a medium sized company in the west of Holland. I: The reason that we stand here... we are in Noord-Beverland. Behind me is is Schouwen-Duiveland, in between lies the Oosterschelde. The reason that we stand here is that in the first chapter of the book you describe a meeting with extraterrestrial beings who come from a planet called Iarga. This meeting supposed to have happened when you sailed your sail yacht on the Oosterschelde, probably a little bit more to the west? D: Indeed, more to the west, about 5 kilometers from here. I: My question is: how did this contact take place? D: It happened as a collision between this ship and a submerged space ship, in fact a space disk, very similar to the descriptions we have from flying saucers. I: Did the disk collide with your ship? D: No, the ship sailed during dusk and run into a submerged disk. I: That was submerged completely? D: Not completely, what was above was no more than a flat piece, which was invisible because of the darkness. I: What happened after this collision? D: It seemed that the ship could not detach from the disk, later it appeared that the disk had a magnetic hull plating. Then a contact took place with the inhabitants of this disk. I: I have read that you have been given a lot of information about the planet Iarga during 2 days. D: Indeed I: In these 2 days you have been given so much information, that I can hardly image it was just in 2 earth days. D: Yes, the way the information transfer took place - according to the book - is different from the way we do this on earth. Knowledge transfer is a material aspect and it is possible to enhance this technically. They can induce memory mutations by means of radiation. It happened as followed. I was placed before a big screen on which they showed 3D images and on top of that radiation was added - inaudible, invisible - which contained information. I heard I voice with separate words, that explained several details of the image - height, width, depth, the connection between two things, etc. I: Was that a normal image as we know it, with the same rate of movement? D: No it was totally different. It was as if you looked through a window into reality. I: How did the communication took place? D: By means of loudspeakers, an electrical system as we know it too. It was not possible to talk to them directly. That is explainable because of the difference in frequency - they talk at a different wave length than we do. They spoke in English, that is the language they have extracted from our wireless communication, radio and TV - I presume. They use a translation device that reproduces short words, which were voices from earthly people. I: For example from a BBC news reader? D: Yes, you could hear male and female voices, sometimes even pieces of words were pronounced differently. It was clearly a mix of voices. They have apparently translated fragments of our language and these fragments are stored in this device to be reproduced at any time. That was impression I had. I: Did it go very slow? D: There was a pause of one minute between question and answer so it took quite long, yes. Scene: the interviewer is in a room with a man behind a drawing desk, who smokes a pipe. I: Mr Das, you are technical illustrator who lives in Aerdenhout. You make drawings for many foreign papers and magazines. So it was not so strange that Stefan Denaerde visited you 2 years ago is it? R: No, I do get more of those people visiting me, who have written a book that needs to be illustrated. I: What do you do in this case when someone visits you? R: I do not dismiss them right away, but see what they have to offer. Unfortunately this is not much in most cases. I: Why not? R: In most cases it is technically incorrect. I: That is the first thing you look for? R: Yes, in fact I do. I am a technician and i do find technical details very important. Most stories I get do not add up technically and then I stop. In this case my wife was pushing me to read this book that was in our house for 2 weeks now, because I had promised to do that. So finally I started reading it, reluctantly. While reading I did not notice any discrepancies in the first 5 pages. Scene: Denaerde and interviewer on the shore. D: These creatures are about 1.40 meters long, so smaller than we are. The most striking is their short legs. They have a curious, dribbling way of walking and they van use their long arms to maintain balance. I: This dribbling way of walking: you mean short passes? D: Very short passes. Like the walk of a midget. You can compare it with that. Their faces are totally different. First they have a heavy armored skull, with a bone ridge on top, they have a spilt through their forehead, which gives the impression of the skull being divided into 2 parts. They have long, sharp ears, understandable when you realize that in a higher pressure you need higher frequencies. Lower frequencies cannot be used because of their limited range. Their eyes are different. They lack an iris. Their eyeball is white-yellow and contains a diamond shaped pupil. The eyes are deeper inside the skull for better protection by pronounced eyebrows. I: So they do have hairs? D: They have very little hair. It can be compared with the hair of a fur. It looks as if these hairs do not beat trimming or shaving. I: What color? D: Different colors. Grey, brown, dark brown, silvergrey and white, too. I: Do they have teeth like us? D: No, they have (artificial) dentures. Not made after their original teeth, but just seamless white strips, that work as scissors. This is more efficient, because of lack of splits where food rests can stick. Efficiency means a lot to them. Efficiency is part of their philosophy of live. Scene: at Rudolf Das R: When you see the face of a Jargan you get the impfession of a sort of horse head with a comb on top. This comb could very well be explained by the higher gravity they have there. But other features I could not explain. To me it seemed a bit like a regression, a bit ape-like. Another weird thing. A book has been written by Desmond Morris, "the Naked ape". I do not know if know it. But in it some aspects are mentioned about our looks, that may have been caused by the ice age we have had. This could have caused us to abandon living in groups but forded us to retreat in caves as monogamous couples. This could then have caused sexual sins on our face, like pointed noses, ear lobes and lips turned inside out. The funny thing is that this book appeared later than Denaerde's script, and I discovered that on the Jargan face that I had drawn there were no pointed noses, no lips turned inside out, and no ear lobes. Nowadays you could say: this was inspired by Desmond Morris. But I must point out that this was known to me before that time.