Från UFO-Aktuellt 3/18, (Box 175, 733 23 SALA) Tapt tid/missing-time, case. Ovanligt fall med förlorad tid |
”En sak som vi inom UFO-Sverige lärt oss av de dörrknackningsprojekt som föreningen genomfört genom åren är att det finns en riklig mängd av huvudsakligen äldre observationer bland den breda allmänheten som aldrig kommit till UFO-Sveriges kännedom.
Detta märks inte bara genom dörrknackningarna i sig utan även genom den medieuppmärksamhet som föreningen får i samband med projekten. När UFO-Sverige gjorde ett pressutskick i samband med det nyligen genomförda Projekt Yngaren, som ni kan läsa om i detta nummer, gav det återigen ett stort gensvar. Nedan sammanfattas en av de mer intressanta rapporter som inkom som ett resultat av den senaste uppmärksamheten i medierna.
Nykvarn, våren 2002Den 24 augusti mottog rapportcentralen ett mejl av en kvinna som återgav en egendomlig upplevelse som inträffade i mars eller april 2002. Kvinnan hade varit på dans i Stockholmsområdet och var på väg hem till sin dåvarande bostad i Åkers Styckebruk. Ungefär när hon befann sig i höjd med Nykvarn och nyligen hade passerat avtagsvägen till Nykvarn från E20 fick hon se vad hon uppfattade som ett gulaktigt klotliknande föremål som hon jämför med månen, strax över träden på höger sida om vägen (norrut). Kvinnan fortsatte längs vägen och kunde då se föremålet vid sidan av vägen under en tid medan hon färdades längs en raksträcka utanför Nykvarn. Därefter försvann föremålet hastigt och hon upplevde det som att föremålet slocknade eller helt plötsligt försvann. Ögonblicket efter att hon tappade bort föremålet vaknade observatören helt plötsligt upp vid en plats som hon kallar Läggestabacken som ligger vid E20 sydväst om Mariefred. Observatören var då en aning förvirrad och visste först inte var hon var men förstod så småningom att hon befann sig vid Läggesta.
Kvinnan hade inget minne av färden mellan Nykvarn och Läggesta och hon hade ett riktmärke längs vägen som var ett möbelvaruhus som ligger mellan Nykvarn och Läggesta som hon alltid brukade lägga märke till då hon visste att hon endast hade 10 kilometer kvar hem därifrån. När hon kom till sans vid Läggesta hade hon inget minne av att ha sett eller passerat varuhuset.
Kvinnan fortsatte sedan hem vilket tog mellan 5 och 10 minuter. När hon kom fram tog hon en kopp te och tittade sedan på klockan och noterade att den var 03.45. Hon dubbelkollade på mer än en kiocka men samtliga klockor visade 03.45. Kvinnan uppgav under intervjun med rapportcentralen att hon vet att hon hade lämnat av sin kamrat i Älvsjö vid 00.30. Att det verkligen var vid den tiden är hon säker på då kamraten hade frågat henne om tiden när hon blev avsläppt och observatören hade då svarat att den var 00.28. Kamraten hade då skojat om huruvida det var en exakt tidsangivelse eller ej. Enligt kvinnan skulle hon i sådana fall varit hemma Akers Styckebruk omkring 01.30 om hon hade kört hem utan avbrott.
Föremålet beskrev observatören som väldigt klart och storleksmässigt som en fullmåne men med den orangegula nyansen som månen har när den står närmare horisonten. Föremålet rörde aldrig på sig utan stod helt stilla över träden. Kvinnan uppgav att hon kunde se föremålet ganska länge och hon tänkte först att det var konstigt att månen befann sig där. I dag är hon dock övertygad om att det inte var en måne. Direkt efter att föremålet försvunnit vaknade hon upp i ett desorienterat tillstånd och visste inte var hon var.
Kvinnan beskrev även att hon påverkades positivt i sin vardag efter händelsen. Hon hade dessförinnan haft det lite jobbigt på arbetet då det hade gjorts en omorganisation. Efter observationen uppger hon att hon hade "en enorm kraft".
Hon bibehöll den positiva inställningen och uppger att observationen blev som en vändpunkt för henne. En kontroll av färdvägen mellan Älvsjö och Akers Styckebruk gjordes därefter med hjälp av Google Earth. Kontrollen visade att det är en sträcka på cirka 63 kilometer och att det tar cirka 45 minuter att färdas mellan orterna. En kompletterande kontroll i programmet visade att sträckan från avfarten vid Nykvarn till Läggesta är cirka 17 kilometer och tar omkring 10 min att avverka. Detta är följaktligen sträckan som observatören inte minns något ifrån. En sista kontroll gjordes även av sträckan mellan Läggesta och Akers Styckebruk som alltså är den sträcka som observatören färdades efter att hon kommit till sans igen och som enligt observatören tar cirka 5 till 10 minuter att avverka. Den sträckan visade sig vara cirka 5,5 kilometer och tar cirka 6 minuter att köra. Observatörens uppgift om att hon borde varit hemma vid 01.30 ifall hon släppte av sin kamrat 00.30 och kört obehindrat från Älvsjö till Akers Styckebruk får därmed ses som bekräftad.
Denna intressanta rapport kommer att undersökas närmare och en utförligare redogörelse av fallet kan bli aktuell i ett framtida nummer av UFO-Aktuellt.
missing time case från Sverige från 6min10sek.på denna ▲
Case 2: Rimforsa tidigt 1990-talNi som läser UFO-Aktuellt regelbundet vet att jag tidigare påpekat hur vanligt det är att de mer påtagliga rapporterna som kommer in till föreningen ligger många år tillbaka i tiden. Tyvärr så ser vi återigen att den trenden håller i sig i och med nedanstående rapport. Rapporter som kommer till oss flera år efter det att de har inträffat är betydligt svårare att undersöka och inte sällan har den som gjort observationen glömt att skriva upp dag och tidpunkt för händelsen. 1 det här fallet har vi inte ens ett säkert årtal att gå på.
Händelsen ägde rum på nyårsnatten 1991 eller 1992. En kvinna som vid tiden var i tioårsåldern hade i sällskap med sin tjugo år äldre syster gått ut en bit utanför hemmet i Rimforsa söder om Linköping för att titta på nyårsraketerna. Men istället fick de se något annat. Kvinnan berättar att de två då fick se ett relativt stort diamantformat föremål som höjde sig över en skogsdunge i närheten av huset. Föremålet hade olikfärgade blinkande lampor runt om och såg ut att befinna sig relativt nära platsen där de båda stod. Föremålet steg inledningsvis relativt långsamt upp över skogen för att sedan stanna upp och bli hängande i luften över det lilla skogsområdet. Därefter började föremålet stiga snett uppåt till vänster under några minuters tid och försvann sedan bortåt mycket hög fart på ett sätt som kvinnan beskriver "som ett streck".
De båda tyckte att föremålet såg ut att vara större än fullmånen och när kvinnan under sitt samtal med rapportcentralen fick frågan om hon hade kunnat täcka föremålet med handen på en utsträckt arm svarade hon att handen inte riktigt hade räckt för detta. Hon beskrev föremålet som diamantformat och med en något smalare form upptill och nedtill och bredare mitt på. På föremålet minns kvinnan att det fanns ett flertal blå och gröna lampor som växlade som i ett ljusband runt mittsektionen. Trots att det var mörkt uppfattade kvinnan föremålet som slätt och utan skarpa kanter och med en blankt metallisk yta. Något ljud kunde de två systrarna inte uppfatta. Kvinnan beskrev även en del andra effekter som sammanföll med observationen. I samband med att föremålet stannade upp ovanför träddungen upplevde hon det hela som att tiden stannade och att hon blev som förlamad. Under vad som kan ha varit flera minuter kunde kvinnan endast observera föremålet men inte röra vare sig armar eller ben. Efter vad hon minns i dag varade händelsen i uppskattningsvis fem minuter. Liksom när det gäller händelsen 1 Nykvarn rör det sig även i det här fallet om en mycket intressant observationen som kommer att undersökas och dokumenteras närmare av UFO-Sveriges rapportcentral.
Tyvärr har kvinnan uppgett att hennes syster inte ville prata om observationen efter att föremålet försvunnit och hon har heller inte varit villig att diskutera det hela närmare i efterhand. Istället har systern valt att bagatellisera händelsen. Detta minskar naturligtvis chanserna för att UFO-Sverige ska få möjlighet att intervjua systern, något som vore intressant inte minst i syfte att kontrollera om även hon upplevde den paralyserande effekt som kvinnan beskrivit, och försvårar undersökningen av händelsen som därmed kommer att vila på en person istället för på två.
Föremålet som sågs i Rimforsa i början av 1990-talet liknade en romb med olikfärgade lampor i blått och grönt runt den tjockare mittsektionen. Lamporna (periferi) växlade som ett ljusband hade rört sig. ▲ Bilder online som er likn.med vittnets teckning.
UFO-Aktuellt 3/18,
Box 175, 733 23 SALA
here a case from norway - via facebook and Jan Henning Holmedal Lustrup: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/337393189722006/?multi_permalinks=3314103422050953%2C3314074872053808%2C3313326602128635%2C3313292318798730%2C3313269202134375¬if_id=1609357906919716¬if_t=group_activity&ref=notif) Missing TimeI have a couple stories I’d like to share about this phenomenon. I've had it happen to me twice and my brother has also experienced it twice. And one of the times we experienced it together. Missing time happens when anything from 1/2 hour to several hours or simply gone, erased from memory. You're just left with a feeling of that something has taken place in most times you can't even put your finger on it and it just doesn't make sense. In the years, in the aftermath come out of these experiences my research led me to a lot of validation of the experiences that did take place of what was left on the conscious level during and under the experience itself. I'm going to start out with the first experience that I was introduced to which was my brother, Jan and his friend Jarle back in the early 80s.
Jan & JarleEarly 80 probably, my brother and his friend Jarle had been in Kristiansand at a job site 250km away which is around 4 hours drive south/east of Stavanger (where they both lived), this being in Norway.
This is a story where Jan told me that they had completed a job and were ready to head home north to Stavanger around 4pm, what should be a four hour drive and something happened on that trip that he couldn't put his finger on, - something really, really strange and weird. Even more there was no memory of it. Nothing else but a big gap in his mind but neither of them were really even conscious of what could have happened. They both were shocked to see the time was after midnight. They were supposed to arrive home at 8:00 pm local time ending up arriving after midnight (8 hours later). They hadn’t stopped anywhere on their journey home.
The next day the one asked the other: do you find it strange that we came home after midnight? And there was a silence and their response were: yeah, we did get home late! And we didn't stop anywhere Nothing special that they could remember had happened on the road except that the gas gauge was on the same spot it had not moved at all!. What was that all about? They scratched their heads neither having an answer to it and they just let it go. Overtime they were both individually thinking about what that could have been but there was no logical reason and both these men are very logical and as human nature is, we can tend to suppress those situations the reasoning mind can’t comprehend. What happen in those 4 missing hours?
A couple of years later, late ’83 or early ’84, they came to visit me on the opposite side of the country where this topic surfaced again and we talked about its strangeness. I had been performing regression therapy for a few years at this point and so I asked them if they wanted to go through with a regression to see if that could shed some light on the situation, they both agreed. So, I separated them and took them into a room one by one so that they would not influence each other. I started off with Jarle first and brought him down to a very deep level of relaxation through Theta to where he absolutely was in a Delta level and continued by sending him back to the timeline of where they started off in Kristiansand and their drive home going north. Due to my own clairvoyant ability as when I regress anybody back in time, I close my eyes as I lead them through the questions and so forth, but I have the ability to also see what's going on as if I'm there with them I don't influence anything of what I see upon them I'm just observing and watching and in the aftermath I can tell them and share with them what also I saw which was the exact same thing that they were going through. Very interesting, mind you! Jarle started off by saying they got in their vehicle and they were heading north and it was 4:00pm and they were scheduled to get back home at around 8:00pm to their families and they were in a pretty good mood both of them as they were listening to some music (the Wings) and whatnot, they were chit-chatting as they always do - both of them are very smart people creating software and what-not they were very much into technology and so they were sharing some of their thoughts on that . It started to get somewhat dark a couple of hours into their journey. And then it gets weird. Jarle is saying that: “something is strange ... It's dark we're driving through a wooded area there's trees on both sides and I look over at Jan and it's like I wanna talk, I wanna communicate… we were chatting up to this point and he just seems to be switched off. And I ask what do you mean by switched off? And he says it's just like I can't communicate with him it's like we're in these separate little bubbles and I just feel things are strange I feel a little apprehensive there's something that I can't put my finger on but something is weird... Why can’t I reach him?” My next question to him is what takes place next? And he says we're just like…we're driving but we're not getting anywhere, or it doesn't feel like we're getting anywhere. And then he started sounding somewhat even more so apprehensive and I could see him sitting in the car as if I was sitting in the back seat myself. He says we're going off the road, going deeper into that forest. But why? And now he's really starting to somewhat tremble and his voice is getting agitated, nervous and anxious. And he goes oh….oh …Oh no, no…no no no I don't want to… I don't want to and I ask, what are you saying no to? and he goes no no.. I don't want to, there's a light in the forest, … there is something there... they are……. no no no!!!… He was so anxious that I started to count him back up into consciousness as couldn't get him beyond that point as his resistance was growing at a rapid, fearful pace. When he got back to himself he looked rather pale he was not the best place to be honest hence I requested him to just take a couple of deep breaths, - kind of just take in what he had experienced, and relax for a little bit and then I would go call for Jan and have Jan go through his experience and then we could compare. Jarle was in his early 20’s at this point , one with a personality of just the happy go lucky - always well balanced well-grounded no drama type person just always somebody with a lot of light in his eyes and to see him in this reactionary mode, ohit was a little bit disconcerting and not him at all.
Jan was now up for his turn. So, he comes in, sits down I ask out closes’ eyes, breathe slowly relax ... And I start taking him down through Theta… then Delta, and I could see his breathing is now so relaxed that he's down at the level where I need him to be in order to have their regression take place. I took him back to the time when him and Jarle starts off their trip back in the day from Kristiansand after concluding their job and they're heading their way home. I had him explain how he experienced the beginning of that trip. He said they were having a great time, listening to music , BS’ing about this and that, talking about certain things that they were wanting to build you know electronically and technically in all of those things that they as friends would share. I skip ahead a little bit and say go to the time when you're entering the forest area what's taking place?
And then Jan says: oh this is strange? Wow... And I'm sitting in the back seat psychically looking at both of them and he's saying: Jarle seems strange? Like I want to talk to him but it's like he's there but he's not there I can't really reach Him. And I ask what do you mean by that? Not being able to reach him? He continues, ‘well I'm trying to say something but he's just kind of looking straight ahead like he's it's a little out of it ... As a side note I can say in my later years of research in this field, this is what they call: Suspended Animation’. Then what happens next, Jan? - and then he starts feeling and sounding anxious so I opened my eyes and I could see how his body was tensing his hands were moving around like wanting to kind of regain some control and his breathing it's even more so anxious. Just like Jarle did.. I repeated the question: so what's happening?
And he says: Why are we heading into the forest? I don't know why we're heading into …. why are we heading into the forest? I don’t want to go in there. The car is going into the forest… and he just like Jarle was now experiencing his body starting to tremble… shaking uncontrollably. I could see he was fighting it I says what takes place next, Jan? And he goes on: “ I.. I really don't like this, I really don't want to be here!! I don't want to do this! Tell me what do you see? I saw the light behind some trees… and a glow of light coming out from it. There's a light in the forest and we're heading towards the light, but we're not driving the vehicle but we're moving towards it ... I ask him to take a deep breath, be relaxed, just observe: “ you're in a safe place, just be the observer”.
What happens next and now his body starts shaking his voice is shaking and my heart goes out to Jan and I'm saying just tell me what you see and he yelps: no.. no….no i'm not doing it n..no I don't want it, I don't want to …. the beings, the beings are coming, the beings are coming closer they're coming out of this ship no…no I don't want to do this!!!
I counted him back up to consciousness.
Jan was pale and nervous and anxious coming out of this regression. I was curious. I wanted to know. I would have pushed it further just due to that fact just to know what took place, what really happened but I couldn't do that to either of them. They had reached their limit of the block having been place upon them. He took a deep breath and went: ‘wow… wow…’ He relaxed for a few minutes and then I brought the boys together so they could see each other for the first time after their regressions. They took one look at each other and shook their heads as if in a mutual understanding of something that had come to light from buried away deep, deep in their consciousness coming back up to the surface and had been re-explored.
They spoke I believe then, about what the conscious mind had been able to recapture, but I don't think they spoke much more about it in the oncoming years.
Now in July of 1987, we were both in Los Angeles Jan & I. This experience was still on his mind wanting to figure out if somebody could see what had happened and wanted to go visit a medium to see if he or she possibly could get some data. A channeller. We found somebody that sounded good and booked an appointment and went to see the lady at her house. She went deeply into her trance as normal procedure, trying to connect and couldn't. She really did try, and she declared; ‘it's very seldom I can't get information, but you have a block and that block is put there for a reason’. Maybe you're not supposed to, at least yet at this point, be able to reassess the memories of what did take place in that situation. Sometimes it's for one’s own security - sometimes consciousness can't deal with certain things, and maybe down the road one day that block may lift but for now it's meant to be blocked we drove away from there both feeling somewhat disappointed he was actually really ready to know what did take place? But then we encounter the 2nd missing time situation where him and I both were a part of it!
Jan & I California – July 1987
Jan, I and my daughter Helene headed south of Los Angeles out into the Mojave Desert to go visit the Integreton a place we had heard researched. We were excited to see what that was all about. We found this little hotel out in the desert called the Galaxy Inn, seemingly an ‘appropriate name for us’ and checked a room for the night.
We continue driving and here's Goat mountain which was where the experience we had started to take place ... Little did we know. As we approach it, it's not that big of a mountain and where you're driving it any mph you should be able to pass it in a matter of a few minutes and that's when it first hit me it's like wow or driving or driving and I’m looking at the speedometer and it's like that's weird it's like wow it's like where we're not passing this mountain I’m looking out the window to the right Jan is driving the car and it's like that's strange and I think I even mentioned something about it, but anyway we came to stop alongside the road, turned off the ignition and stepped out of the car, all of us.
And now it's getting closer to sunset it's kind of like in the pre dusk. We climb up on top of the car and we're laying there cause we're all star watchers and the stars started to peek out, one by one by one, and then, over here to the left, below a low mountain range, that was stretched - we see this orange orb, a glowing orange orb. It’s coming from the left following that mountain range towards our direction and we all look watch it until suddenly my brother goes ‘oh, oh’ and he slid down from the roof down on the window of the front of the car and when we saw his reaction, we reacted accordingly and Helene and I slid off the car to get down and into the car too. Jan drives off and there was just this mutual feeling of that must have been something whatever that was ... That was something …
We end up going back to the motel to relax a little, watch a little TV, ate something and we had the people at the motel babysit for my daughter which was 10 years old at the time and it was already her bedtime. We decided to go to a drive-in movie theater that we had passed a little earlier. Since we moved to Norway at age 10 and 12 there were no outdoor movies cinemas in our country because of the cold wet, rain and wind so we had felt deprived from that experience.
We took off to the drive-in movie theater excited like little children… We were back to being the 10 and 12 years old, giggling silly as Jan installs the speaker on the window frame of the car. It was a Eddie Murphy flick: ‘Police Academy’.
Now here’s the point: The movie starts, and the next thing we both know, is the weirdest thing. We're seeing the credit texts scrolling by on the big screen. The movie's over. Neither of us say anything about it at this point but we're both thinking: that's odd how can that be? Something wasn't right. and as if nothing had happened, we start driving away and he suggests let's go for a beer before we go home, thus we do and we're both quiet on our way over to the little taverna. In the back of my quiet mind, I’m really trying to figure out what was so ‘odd’ and which I could not place my finger on… Something was off, but what?
As it unfolds come on we have a bear, chit chat with people around - they’re nice people and of course since we're both Sky watchers and having had UFO experiences we asked some of the locals if they've had any experiences around here just that kind of chit chat , friendly.
It wasn't until we start driving back to the motel that the question arises, and I asked my brother:
‘Is something weird? Without delay, he response; “Yes! Really weird!! And I say, what? What's weird? I feel it - but what's weird? And he says ‘Did you see the movie? ‘It all came back to mind and I responded: ‘No’! There was no movie, it started and then there was scrolling text… - now when we came to the part saying ‘scrolling text’ we both said that out loud at the same time.
Thus now we start talking about what had happened & what we remembered, by putting the speaker in there, on the window, looking at the big screen, - Eddie Murphy's there, it's the Police Academy whatever, that we had heard much about the movie, and we were ready for it.
The next thing we know is that the movie is over and everybody the cars around us are also taking away their speakers and getting ready to go so we had missing time. This missing time was probably what 90 minutes that's the length of the movie and so we don't know what happened we know what we saw early in their evening that little orange globe or orb that came towards us from that mountain range and we knew that something had happened just prior to it where it's like there was this suspended animation of driving but not really getting anywhere trying to pass by that goat mountain and then we stopped and then that experience and then now this 90 minute loss of time.
We've talked about that a lot throughout our years and my brother asked me just here today about the situation and as it's so has it I've already started to write down a lot of these experiences through my life journey and this was one of the headlines where I would be writing a chapter about it and here's he's asking about stock box synchronicity I think it's time maybe for things to happen that could open up in consciousness hopefully by recalling all this and sending it to him that it could spark maybe a little bit more about that block that he has in the experience with him and his friend too.
Aase, Liv & I Route 66Coming up..