Questions down are posed by Bill Ryan and Kerry
Was there any material you handled
but were unable to view? If so, do you have any idea what was
it was?
Yes, most of what I handled was sealed.
I was instructed to leave things that were sealed alone. I would
say only 5% of the materials was not sealed or packaged in some
way. Most of the sealed things were documents in envelopes.
What were some of the most interesting
things you viewed or handled?
The disks mentioned above and the
documents about them. They told of landing in the very near
future (2011-2012) and intervening in nuclear conflicts. The
documents explained that the disks were viewed either on the
ship itself or in a laboratory on a device from the ship. They
also contained symbols that flashed across the screen that were
not understood. This was mentioned along with a plan to try to
decipher the symbols. They were the same or similar symbols that
were found on some of the I-beams and other pieces that were
found at the crash sites according to the documents.
Another very interesting part of my
fact-filing mission was the material on the biology of the
spirit or soul and the material on the history of man.
We still forget when we die, and they
don't. They do not regard their bodies as sacred or a possession
like most human societies do.

They do not understand our
preservation of self since they really don't have a self(ego). At
least if they lose theirs, they can get a new one and no harm
done. They regard our spirit or soul as equal to theirs. In fact,
it is indicated in several documents that according to them, our
spirit is the same as theirs. We just have more physical
attachment to our bodies than they do. They also have been noted
as saying that we choose to remain as Earth beings and come back
life after life because we know our path and that is where we
are supposed to be.
Are there any indications that the
intelligence agencies or military are currently aware of who you
are, or want to stop you from telling the story of your
Not that I know of. There are some that
are probing around, but that's about it. Someone said that they
knew who I was and have spoken to me, but that is just not true.
I have never spoken to that particular person making that claim.
The only people I have formally spoken to are Jerry Pippin, Bill
Ryan and Kerry Cassidy.
I think that there are many more people
out there that know and DO more than me. There are others in
high ranking jobs and positions that have much more access to
what is going on today. I left the assignment in the mid 1980s,
and I am just a civilian. I have never served in the military
nor do I have a police record (that I know of). I would like to
think the government is more interested in preventing terrorism
than what I have to say. I'm a nobody.
What kind of response have you had so
far from the public?
This is a tough question because the
answer is wide-ranging. For the most part, I have had positive
reaction to my initial interviews. There are some that have
misunderstood me and think that when I said that there will be
many deaths in the years 2011 and 2012, that I meant at the
hands of ETs. This is not what I said or what I meant. The
deaths will be attributed to war, natural disasters, and panic.
There will be a mass of information
released that will shatter most of our core beliefs. Some will
panic because their belief system will be shattered. Some will
be angry because they have been lied to for so long. Some will
think that the end of the world is here. Most will be confused
at best about religious issues, since the truth will be told and
that truth will shatter ALL religious beliefs. We will learn the
true history of man through the ETs and the powers that be. It
is inevitable. If the world stays on the track it is on – and
I see no reason for it to change! – we will have to be shown
the truth. And if those who run the world do not do it, the ETs
How has working with this material
hands-on changed your worldview? Do you have a different point
of view of the future due to the things you have seen?
This is the big one for me.
Yes, my worldview is changed. But my
worldview isn't that different than it was before the assignment.
I always knew something was not right. Why spend your life
struggling to keep a shell alive? That is all we do. Think about
it. We work for money. Money for shelter and food and fuel to
keep our biological shell alive. We use the fuel to do more work
to get more money, and to go and get food, which we spend at
least 1/20 of our life eating. We sleep 1/3 of our lives to
revitalize this shell. Those of us who are lucky enough to make
more than we need can enjoy some pleasure, but for the most
part, we all work to live.
ETs do not have a monetary system. We
shouldn't either. I would be
glad to do my job 8 hours a day for a simple life and
transportation to get me to where I need to get to do my job to
provide for others. I do not like being controlled by oil or
anything else, nor do I like having to destroy the atmosphere to
get from point A to point B. We
have the technology to provide free energy to the entire world
in our hands.......just think about it. What a disservice to the
citizens of the globe. Same with's all to
control us and make us believe we are weaker than we are and
have less choices than we do. And that's all religion. I side
with NONE.
I believe that the ETs will try to lead
us out of the mess we are currently in. I think it's happening
already. 2012 is not that far off. We are fighting over what are
billed as "religious" and "holy" wars. The
earth belongs to nobody, and if we don't take care of it and
ourselves as a whole species, we will not survive. That I
guarantee. We will not be able to explore all the other worlds
that are out there just waiting for us to visit.