To: CC:, Subject: ***Message #107 from Armendeus received by alex*** Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ======================================================= July 4, 1997AD 10:00pm PDT (usa) Beloved Masters of LOVE: At this time, it is my greatest and most joyous duty to announce to the world the awakening of the 7 Archangels of LOVE. As so many of your religions and cultures have throughout the ages embraced on the reality of these supreme angelic beings of GOD, the physical incarnations of those whose direct highest selves are these beings are now awakening to their true identities. This is a most glorious moment my dear masters of LOVE, for from our etheric realm, we stand now in awe at the utter magnificence of the grand plan which is unfolding now in front of our very eyes. The beings who share the direct monad of these 7 Archangels are now moving much faster than anticipated, and indeed the time is now when the world will be filled with LIGHT as mother moves into her new reality. These beings are here now incarnate, under the direct discipleship of the ONE who moves through all of existence and creation on all levels of dimensions and densities. These Archangels, whom you know in your memory as Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Zadkiel, Chamuel, and Jophiel are all awakening to their ONE divine selves. The male aspects of these Archangels are all now present in the northern americas, while the female aspects are incarnated in special positions throughout the globe to help place the Christ Consciousness grid in place. The final global activiation into the dimension of LIGHT shall occur at the time of the grand activation of the KEY within your Khufu Pyramid in Gizah, Egypt. Many have gone forth to try to activate these chambers which will only respond to the 3 who are in fact the incarnates of Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel as mentioned above. These three beings will open the corridor which lie invisible to all else, for the etheric generators laid their by our people eons ago still await the time when its intention shall be complete. The combined energy of LOVE of Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel will be the key to unlock the doors to activating these generators which, still fully functional after millions of your years, await under the Queen's chamber. As these etheric generators are activated, the christ consciousness grid will be the conduit on the surface while the vortex shall sent a singular wave of intentional LOVE in the crystal core of your planet to magnify and reflect back a thousand fold, throughout the rest of Lady Gaia. She awaits now for her own initiation to the LIGHT which you shall also be a part. The fleets of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation shall stand ready to assist in the transmutation process for those who cannot handle the level of LIGHT which will flood imminently forward on all places on the surface. There will indeed be no where for you to hide. As Lady Gaia shift into the 5th dimension, the ripple effect shall follow throughout your solar system, and hence into the rest of creation, raising the octave of dimensional vibrations throughout all of GOD's own self. This events has now been confirmed by the Time Lords of creation, as LOVE is indeed faster than the LIGHT of creation. We congradulate you all my friends, for this is a most glorious and magnificent moment all of you here on your cyberspace have worked so hard to achieve. Each and everyone of you who read these words now will begin to experience an acceleration of their intentional creation manifest through your very thoughts and emotions! This message has been blessed and sanctioned by his holiness the LORD METATRON, as the sponsor for this transition into divine awakening. We in the etheric are fully in awe, and melting into our own selves as we see the wonder of the multi-dimensional omniverse of GOD. We will continue to appear in your skies, as the veil of your physical dimension slowly fades out of it's firm hold. The final 'kick' into the 13th cycle per second for the planetary vibration will occur at the moment of the activiation of the generators in Egypt as we have mentioned above. This is also a confirmation for you my friend, who needed to hear from us as you have requested. I AM eternally abundant LOVE of ONE LIGHT bearer of the blue flame, Sirian Ambassador General, Armendeus =====================================================